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Take online, free, helpful self-assessment SKILL-SET Questionnaires.
Here are some free online exercises that I've found helpful in identifying or confirming my own Skill Sets. In like manner, you might also find them helpful for your own Skill-Set assessment. A realistic assessment of your own aptitude, skills, and interests might help you in considering joining---or proposing starting---a Creative- Theology® Activity Group that would be the most enjoyable and productive for yourself and others:
Practical Spiritual Gift Inventory   ---a self-assessment of how you rate on the listed 9 main, practical-effort oriented Spiritual Gifts of 1) Evangelism; 2) Prophecy; 3) Teaching; 4) Exhortation; 5) Pastor/Shepherd; 6) Showing Mercy; 7) Serving; 8) Giving; & 9) Administration. http://www.churchgrowth.org/cgi-cg/gifts.cgi Workplace Fit Graph  ---a self-assessment of how you fit onto a graph depicting the interaction of 7 main workplace characteristics--- 1) Realistic (Doers), 2) Investigative (Thinkers); 3) Artistic (Creators); 4) Social (Helpers); 5) Enterprising (Persuaders); 6) Conventional (Organizers); & 7) Attentive (Servers). http://www.free-career-test.com/ Psychological Worplace Attitudes  ---a self-assessment of how high or low you score in 5 key areas of work-place psychological fitness--- 1) Innovation; 2) Self-management; 3) Social Confidence; 4) Stress Tolerance; & 5) Team Orientation. http://www.careeringahead.com.au/dev/bpp/ MAPP Your True Calling  ---a self-assessment of 9 key worker traits--- 1) tasks you want to perform; 2) motivations; 3) preferences; 4) people-skills; 5) working with physical objects; 6) dealing with data; 7) conceptualization; 8) mathematical capacity; & 9) language skills. http://www.assessment.com/TakeMAPP/ Personality Profile Report  ---a self-assessment of 5 key personality traits and nine facets within each of those--- 1) Extroversion; 2) Agreeableness; 3) Conscientiousness; 4) Stability; & 5) Intellect. http://www.funeducation.com/Test/CareerTest/TakeTest.aspx (sign-in at http://www.funeducation.com/Account/Signin/Default.aspx) Identify Your Greatest Strengths ---a self-assessment of which of the following are your greatest strengths--- 1) Adaptability; 2) Analysis; 3) Caring; 4) Cautiousness; 5) Conscientiousness; 6) Cooperation; 7) Creativity; 8) Determination; 9) Goal-orientation; 10) Helicoptering; 10) Leadership; 11) Organization; & 12) Outgoingness. http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/Choosing/strengths.htm  Facilitive Management Aptitude  ---a self-assessment of 5 key dimensions of facilitive management--- 1) Gregariousness; 2) Listening; 3) Delegating; 4) Teaching/Learning; & 5) Wisdom/Happiness/Kindness. http://www.funeducation.com/Tests/BusinessManagementAptitude/TakeTest.aspx (sign-in at http://www.funeducation.com/Account/Signin/Default.aspx)